Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

steak frites

Christoff was craving steak frites, so we just made them at home.
Christoff was responsible for steaks and I was responsible fore frites... yum...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Two Boots

Our neighborhood was always missing a good pizza place.
But now we have it. Two Boots just opened up in our neighborhood and we have been eating a lot of pizza!

1617 2nd Avenue at 84th Street

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sunday, November 09, 2008


This was taken on September 4th.
Watching CNN International, I realized that CNN forgot where Hong Kong was...

Hong Kong is now in Europe... HAHAHA

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008


Get the latest news satire and funny videos at

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Roasted Chicken on a Cold Night

It's getting pretty cold already and Christoff is making his famous roasted chicken tonight.
This time, he's cooking organic, hormone free, vegetable fed, twice as expensive, half the size chicken.

We are not becoming vegetarians yet, but we have been very freaked out about a case that I am reading - a company that sells contact lenses for chicken. I won't go into detail, but we are strongly against factory farming!!!

Until we become vegetarians, we'll enjoy happy birds only.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Poutine, deconstructed

This is more traditional

Even McDonald's has it!

This is a smoked meat version

Poutine was originated in Quebec. We have a few different versions here, but it consists of french fries, cheese curds, and gravy.


Saturday, October 11, 2008


Mushroom with escargot

Clams with artichoke - my personal favorite

Beef cheeks with risotto

Pintxo (pronounced "Peent-choo") is the Basque word for tapas.
The Mexican chef was in Pais Vasco, Spain for 5 years and was happy when Christoff yelled "Gracias, rasa"

256 rue Roy Est
514 844 0222

St-Viateur Bagel & Cafe

I know, I know, New Yorkers are pretty proud of their bagels, but I have to say, bagel in Montreal was really good.

Bagel in Montreal was less doughy...

Mine was with lox and cream cheese / soup - egg & spinach soup, which was surprisingly good

Bagel with egg & ham / came with Greek salad

St-Viateur Bagel & Cafe
1127 Mont-Royal est (at av. Christophe-Colomb)

Check out the location under our link: The Frazier's Fav Foods

Friday, October 10, 2008

L'Express - The Best Meal in Montreal

Every table came with Gherkin

Bone Marrow
It was much better with toasted sliced of baguette

Duck confit

Lamb with lentils

Even cappuccino was good...

L'Express made me feel like I was in Paris, but we were happy to have staff that spoke English.
But watch out, the menu is in French and hand-written, so you need to know what you want before walking into the restaurant.

Baguette was so good. It's hard to find good baguette in NY, so I was extremely happy!

Chez Schwartz Charcuterie Hebraique de Montreal - or simplay SCHWARTZ'S

Long line is a good thing...
Order a large plate, medium fat with fries (that's what we have here)

3895 St-Laurent at Roy
514 842 4813

Thursday, October 09, 2008

First Day in Montreal

Guess what I found in Montreal!! - Pho Bang!!!

We had a few days off from school, and we just wanted to get away from work, school, politics, election... ok, ok, we wanted to leave the country for a while.

We played around the idea of going to Guatemala, where we still want to go, but we decided to go somewhere close - driving distance.

We finally decided on Montreal. I thought, it would be like going to Europe without actually going to Europe. Montreal reminded us of Paris + San Francisco. The language & culture reminded us of Paris, but the people and their attitude reminded us of San Francisco - PERFECT PLACE FOR US!!!

On our first day, after seeing Basilique Notre-Dame, we were off to Montreal's Chinatown.
It was small but the cleanest Chinatown I have ever been to!!!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Spain on the road again!

I accidentally found this program today on PBS.
Spain has been on my list forever; however, I still haven't been.
Spain is supposed to be a giant culinary adventure...
For now I am waiting for EURO to go down a little bit...

Until then, I have to watch other people enjoy... DARN!!!

Blocking Care for Women

September 19, 2008
New York Times
Op-Ed Contributor

Blocking Care for Women

LAST month, the Bush administration launched the latest salvo in its eight-year campaign to undermine women’s rights and women’s health by placing ideology ahead of science: a proposed rule from the Department of Health and Human Services that would govern family planning. It would require that any health care entity that receives federal financing — whether it’s a physician in private practice, a hospital or a state government — certify in writing that none of its employees are required to assist in any way with medical services they find objectionable.

Laws that have been on the books for some 30 years already allow doctors to refuse to perform abortions. The new rule would go further, ensuring that all employees and volunteers for health care entities can refuse to aid in providing any treatment they object to, which could include not only abortion and sterilization but also contraception.

Health and Human Services estimates that the rule, which would affect nearly 600,000 hospitals, clinics and other health care providers, would cost $44.5 million a year to administer. Astonishingly, the department does not even address the real cost to patients who might be refused access to these critical services. Women patients, who look to their health care providers as an unbiased source of medical information, might not even know they were being deprived of advice about their options or denied access to care.

The definition of abortion in the proposed rule is left open to interpretation. An earlier draft included a medically inaccurate definition that included commonly prescribed forms of contraception like birth control pills, IUD’s and emergency contraception. That language has been removed, but because the current version includes no definition at all, individual health care providers could decide on their own that birth control is the same as abortion.

The rule would also allow providers to refuse to participate in unspecified “other medical procedures” that contradict their religious beliefs or moral convictions. This, too, could be interpreted as a free pass to deny access to contraception.

Many circumstances unrelated to reproductive health could also fall under the umbrella of “other medical procedures.” Could physicians object to helping patients whose sexual orientation they find objectionable? Could a receptionist refuse to book an appointment for an H.I.V. test? What about an emergency room doctor who wishes to deny emergency contraception to a rape victim? Or a pharmacist who prefers not to refill a birth control prescription?

The Bush administration argues that the rule is designed to protect a provider’s conscience. But where are the protections for patients?

The 30-day comment period on the proposed rule runs until Sept. 25. Everyone who believes that women should have full access to medical care should make their voices heard. Basic, quality care for millions of women is at stake.

Hillary Rodham Clinton is a Democratic senator from New York. Cecile Richards is the president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

Here is where you can write:

On August 22, 2008, the Bush administration proposed a regulation to allow providers to withhold critical health care information.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Charity Begins

I came across this NGO called Charity Begins.
You can bring articles to people that are in need in different countries.
I will look into the website in detail later on.

When we were in Nepal visiting an orphanage there, I wished that we had brought something - books, clothes, or anything...

Ever since then I always thought of bringing toys and books whenever we travel... I guess I am not the only one... somebody already thought of it!!!

Charity Begins

Monday, September 15, 2008

More San Francisco

Christoff put a map of San Francisco together.
It has restaurants and more!!!

Christoff's Map

Sunday, September 14, 2008

San Francisco...

New York Times had an article about San Francisco -

36 Hours in San Francisco:

I miss the sun & fresh produce!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Ramadan is here...

Ramadan started on September 1. Some of us have to fast, but for us, it's time to hit Astoria, Queens.

For example, Eastern Nights has Ramadan special buffet:

25-35 Steinway St
Astoria, NY

We'll try next Friday!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

More on food in San Francisco

We visited more restaurants, cafes, farmer's market (together or separately), but don't have pictures from all the places. So, I will just list them -

Osha Thai Noodle Cafe (Original)
696 Geary Street
415-673 2368
Apparently, Osha is expanding with multiple/fancy locations.
However, one on Geary was still nice to go back to.

Great Eastern Restaurant
649 Jackson Street
415 986 2500
We couldn't be in San Francisco without having Dimsum with Chu family.
We still think Dimsum is better in San Francisco than in New York.

UN Plaza Farmers' Market
Sundays: 7AM - 5PM
1182 Market Street (at 8th Street & Grove)
The above picture was taken at the market

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back in San Francisco, Pork Store again...

We were in San Francisco for a wedding.
Being back in San Francisco, we couldn't miss Pork Store. Especially with time difference, it wasn't that hard to get up early in the morning and get in line.

Here are pictures of everyone's dish.
I don't think I need to describe, except for the fact that real breakfast is a good thing...

Pork Store Cafe (original)
1451 Haight Street
415 864 6981

Pork Store Cafe Valencia
3122 16th Street
415 626 5523

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Graffiti Building

After looking down at this building from #7 train for 6 and half years, we finally made it to the building today. It's in Long Island City and you can reach it by #7 train - get out at 45 Rd / Court House Sq Stop.

This one is for you, Eddie!

I don't need to explain - pictures will explain everything:

Korean Film Festival 2008

Yesterday and today, we watched Korean films. It's a nice getaway from normal Hollywood movies. We also saw a few flims during Asian Film Festival last month.

This time we saw Hwang Jin Yi, 황 진 이 (picture shown below) and May 18, 화려한 휴가.

Hwang Jin Yi, 황 진 이
It's based on a novel; however, the main character, Hwang Jin Yi actually existed.
She was the most well-known Giseng, high level entertainer / prostitute, in Chosun dynasty.
Her poems are still very well known. The movie itself was ok; however, costumes were very beautiful.

May 18, 화려한 휴가
This was also based on true story. This was about democratic movement in 1980's in Korea, specifically in the city of Gwang-Ju. I was too young to remember or understand anything that was going on at that time; however, I am very much surprised at where Korea is now today.
I still think that a country such as Pakistan still has a chance.

Taste of Eucador in Woodside

We were in Queens today again as usual looking for a place to live. We ended up in Woodside, Queens. After the viewing, we accidentally found this Ecuadorean restaurant / store. It was a nice break from our usual Jackson Heights or Elmhurst stops.

Shrimp cocktail
Corn was very good - very crunch...

Chicken & rice - it actually reminded me of Costa Rica

Even my Coke was from Ecuador

El Chasqui International
50-18 Roosevelt Ave.


West Indian–American Day Carnival

The West Indian–American Day Carnival is an annual extravaganza of dancing, glittery headpieces, and standout Jamaican and Trinidadian food. Vendors along the route will ply you with grub like callaloo (root-vegetable-and-pork soup) and jerk chicken for about $5 a dish. West Indian–American Day Carnival. Eastern Pkwy between Utica Ave and Grand Army Plaza Brooklyn. 8am–6pm. For more info or directions, visit

Too bad, we are going to miss it. We'll be out of town :(

Sunday, August 17, 2008


We are looking for a place again and this time we are obsessed with Elmhurst. Elmhurst right below Jackson Heights, but it definitely has a different feel to it. For about a month and half, we have been going to Elmhurst every Sunday, and we are trying out different restaurants and checking out different stores every time.

While Jackson Heights is represented by Central & South America and South Asia, Elmhurst is represented mostly by East & Southeast Asia.

By accident, we found this store. It sells Thai goodies - snacks, drinks, and stuff that's made by Sea Restaurant (appetizers & pastes).

Sugar Club
81-20 Broadway

At the above store, I found my TEA!!! There was only one store that had this tea in Woodside, but last few times I went there, there was none. But at Sugar Club, I found it.
My friends that tried this tea weren't that impressed, but this has to be my favorite! It's made by Japanese company, but it's made in Thailand.
I had this tea for the first time in Cambodia and fell in love with it. Maybe I was in the moment - right outside of Angkor Wat, it saved me from steamy weather...
Whatever the reason is, I am just glad that I found the store that carries it!

We were very impressed with Pacific Supermarket (Broadway / 75th Street). We walked in thinking that it was going to be a Chinese grocery market, but we were shocked to find everything - Korean, Japanese, Southeast Asian...

I grew up eating this melon - Cham Wei in Korean. I never saw this in San Francisco, but found it in New York Chinatown and Pacific Supermarket also had it.

This is what inside of Cham Wei looks like.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

BBQ in Long Beach

We went over to Ross's BBQ. It was first time for us to hit the beach this year... I know, I know. That's lame, but beaches are not the same on East Coast.

After spending some time on the beach, showing off our pale bodies, we were back to Ross's place for some BBQ.

Dave joined us later and entertained us with his guitar.

My three boys...

This one is for Fina!

OK, I don't know they were trying to do.

Dave can sing and play guitar at the same time!

Here is our American idol!!!
Christoff wants to form a band - Dave Wong and the Dragons!!!!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

A Day in Flushing

After reading the below New York Times article, we were off to Flushing today.
With a map in our hand, we got on #7 train. Flushing was crowded as ever - it seemed more crowded than I had remembered.

Our first stop was Xi'An Small Delights in Shi Hong Mall. Right away, there was a problem. There was no Shi Hong Mall. By accident, we found another mall that had a food court, and there it was! A small corner shop that was surrounded by a bunch of white people. Until today, I didn't know the power of New York Times. All these people came out to Flushing, after reading the article - just as we did. Everyone had the actual newspaper or the printout. I was one of them.

Christoff liked the lamb sandwich. I wasn't really a fan, but I liked the cold noodle (Liangpi cold noodle). It was just like being in Beijing. As New York (or San Francisco for that matter) is saturated with Cantonese cuisine, it was a nice change to be eating Northern cuisine.

The entrance to the mall's food court

This is what happens. New York Times publish the restaurant, people want to try, and there is a long line. I know, I know, we were just one of them... I don't think this food court had ever seen this many white people in one sitting.

Christoff was happy to find his lamb sandwich.

And I was happy with my Liangpi cold noodle.

Spicy handmade noodle was good, but we were way full!

After this meal, we were off to find S & C Shaved Ice Stall in Flushing Mall. However, after a long walk to the mall and a long walk inside the mall, we were told by the dumpling ladies that S & C Shaved Ice Stall doesn't exist anymore. I was very upset - upset at New York Times.

Then on the way to the train station, we accidentally ran into Sentosa - Malaysian restaurant that was recommended to me. After picking up a few items to take home, I fell better all of a sudden...

Golden Mall Food Court
41-28 Main Street
Entrance to the basement food court is in the corner of Main St / 41st Rd.
Xi'An Small Delights can be found at all the way at the end / your left hand side

39-07 Prince Street
Flushing, NY 11354