Saturday, June 05, 2010

Gaza Blockade

Those of you who know me well understand where I stand on Israel and Palestine issue.
But even those who know nothing about the issue or don't care about the issue should have heard about Flotilla. Today another Gaza-bound vessel was seized.

Gaza's 3 year old blockade is uncalled for and inhumane. I found a list of prohibited items into Gaza.

Here are a few items that caught my attention (that are ridiculous):

  1. sage
  2. cardamom
  3. cumin
  4. coriander
  5. chocolate
  6. dried fruit

There are the things that got me very upset:

  1. notebooks
  2. newspapers
  3. toys
Israel's excuse for the blockade is for Hamas to have no access to weapons. But above items have nothing to do with weapons. How is Israel getting away with this? Israel's existential threat has nothing to do with coriander and chocolate. Am I the only one who thinks this is ridiculous?

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