Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mobile Food Trucks

I am starting a research on Mobile Food Trucks for my marketing class project. So I thought I would share some info on what I am reading & looking at:

Happy Eating!


romeo said...


Visto che nelle USA ha fatto successo questo tipo di ristorazione mobile,
Credo che si puo fare anche in Italia, anchi'o e nelle ricerche e fara piacere se possiamo scambiare idee e informazioni

Grazie e saluti

romeo said...


It is a success in the US!! I think it would work also in Italy,I'm on my initial researches & It will be a pleasure if we could exchange ideas and informations

Thank you, Regards

parkfrazier said...

Hello, in New York, there has been a huge explosion of food trucks in last few years. It ranges from dessert trucks (that was my group paper) to lunch items. Trucks normally park in Midtown, Manhattan with less trucks in downtown area. Let me know if you need more information. Maybe I can make a list of food trucks for you.