Monday, June 01, 2009

Off to Bali

I have been dreaming of Bali for so long. And Chris and I almost went 3 years ago, but had to cancel. This time Michelle and I were determined to go and we were determined to make it a girls only trip.

Our flight was early, so we took care of our breakfast at the airport. Unlike U.S. airport, Changi airport is full of things to eat.

Michelle is getting our breakfast

Breakfast, Singaporean style: Kopi & Kaya Toast. I don't know why when I make Kaya Toast at home, it doesn't taste the same...

Finally landed in Bali. This is our villa. It's like a paradise.... 4 days was not enough.

Ulin Villa
Jalan Merta Sari
Seminyak, Bali

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