Saturday, April 25, 2009


My obsession with Banh Mi continues.
Mandy told me about Baoguette while back but I finally made it to Baoguette today.
It's right next to my school, so that gives Baoguette extra points!

Baoguette's sandwiches are not traditional Banh Mi's, but I have to say they are good.
I have already been to Baoguette more than a few times and have tried the below sandwiches:
BBQ Chicken
Sloppy Bao

You need to eat them right away, because 3-4 hours later (yes, I tried it that way) they are not that good.

I have also tried shrimp summer roll, which wasn't that good.

Stick with sandwiches!

61 Lexington Ave
(between 25th St & 26th St)
New York, NY 10010

Baoguette also has locations in East Village and West Village.


MM said...

I haven't even been there.. ErG. should of went on Friday!

parkfrazier said...

Hahaha. We were right there, too. Next time...