Friday, April 10, 2009

Kingyo - How Izakaya Should Be

When I was doing my restaurant research on Vancouver, Chris got his recommendation from his local friend about Kingyo, Izakaya.

Izakaya is a type of Japanese restaurant that serves alcohol with food. I have been to some low budget Izakayas in Tokyo, San Francisco, and New York, but Kingyo was different. I realized that Kingyo takes their food seriously.

Kingyo has to be my favorite spot in Vancouver.
Every dish we ordered was incredible. This has to be my first restaurant experience where every dish was amazing!!!

Kingyo means in Japanese goldfish

grilled pork cheek - melts in your mouth...

negitori sushi - tuna & green onion

grilled black cod

tokyo sukiyaki

sizzling kinoko tofu (we had to order 2nd one)

frozen grape - who knew!!!

871 Denman Street
Vancouver, BC V6G 2L9, Canada
(604) 608-1677

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