Monday, September 10, 2012

Day 3 in Cuzco

We finally checked out San Pedro market today. Chris always gets very excited at markets or grocery stores wherever we go so it was nice see him acting like a child.

The market was divided into many sections - ie, potato sections, dairy sections, meat sections and food court like sections.

We didn't have a meal there because we had had a meal before getting there but we decided that we would like to go back to the market before going back to Lima for a lunch.

We have one more full day in Cuzco tomorrow and we are trying to decide what to do tomorrow. On Wednesday we have an early morning train to Aguas Calientes so we wouldn't want to do anything outrageous tomorrow. We are thinking of going to Pisac tomorrow. There is Pisac market there that we want to check out plus the ruins.

We pre-ordered guinea pig today for tomorrow's dinner. I will report back tomorrow. Couldn't leave Peru without tasting cuy!!!

We ordered at restaurant called Parhapapa. A few blocks from our hotel and was recommended by our hotel.

By the way, we love our hotel. It is on a hill so the walk is rough but it's worth it when eating breakfast outside every morning with amazing view.

We are staying at:

La Morada Suites
Kurkurpata 230
Cusco, 84

Each unit has a kitchen which was the big selling point for me. This time we are staying at a separate unit from my sister, Michelle, but when we come back from Machu Picchu we have a two bedroom unit booked.

Breakfast and airport transportation included. And we saw other units and hold up to 5-6 people. So this would be ideal for big families.

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