Saturday, September 01, 2012

I am back

A lot has happened - a year has gone by since last time I signed in. Still traveling and still eating, but I haven't had time (more like emotional time) to blog.

I have noticed that blogging has gone viral and everyone is taking pictures everywhere - especially at restaurants.  I have been taking pictures of food for a long time, sometimes good photos and sometimes bad photos, but I am noticing that taking photos of food is getting out of control.  People are taking photos at restaurants with their giant cameras and everyone has an opinion about food.  I know, I am guilty as well.

All I am saying is let's just do this thing responsibly.  Let's take pictures of food quietly and no flash please!
Let's just enjoy the moment.  It's easy to try to share the moment with the world, but let's do it responsibly.

Oh, I forgot to mention.  I finally finished my school  It was one of the most difficult thing I have ever done, but now I am an MBA, yay!!!

From now on, for a few of you that are following my blog, I will try to post regularly.
But as usual, I have to go back and post old photos.

Let's keep eating & traveling!

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